Man is given by Nature, a gift, and that gift is the privilege of labor. Through labor, he learns all things.
As a Master Mason, I journey deeper into the craft building upon the first three degrees with like-minded, worthy men who share similar passion and commitment to Freemasonry while connecting to something bigger. The 29 Scottish Rite degrees thoroughly examine the principles and philosophy of the Craft and continue the education of a Master Mason towards enlightenment and wisdom.
I am a Sublime Prince of Jonathan Davis No. 1 Consistory of the Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation - Orient of the District of Columbia, PHA SJ. The Orient of the District of Columbia is the birthplace of the Southern Jurisdiction. I aspire to build upon the ethical teachings and philosophy of Freemasonry that offers a deeper comprehension of Masonic principles through presentations and rituals. These degrees foster personal growth, brotherhood, and community service within the Prince Hall Masonic tradition.
My continuation in Masonic teachings further travels into the principles of morality, brotherhood, and service. it is designed to educate and offer a rich tapestry of symbolism and allegory that expands upon the foundational teachings of Freemasonry. I have the unique opportunity for fellowship and brotherhood among like-minded Master Masons to foster deeper bonds and connections within the community. Jonathan Davis No. 1 Consistory has a strong history of community service and philanthropy with a focus on empowering the Black community and addressing social justice issues in the DC Metropolitan area. As part of the Orient of the District of Columbia, we support various causes such as education, scholarships, and community development initiatives through our charitable foundation. I gravitate to this organization because it emerged as a response to racial discrimination and played a significant role in advocating for civil rights and equality for people of color and their communities.
The Scottish Rite, within Prince Hall Freemasonry, is a specific system of degrees practiced by Prince Hall Masons. It has its own history, including the creation of the United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, which sought to unify various Prince Hall Scottish Rite bodies.
Prince Hall Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite (within the Prince Hall context) are not separate organizations but rather a relationship of a specific Masonic Rite practiced within a distinct branch of Freemasonry.
Scottish Rite is a system of degrees practiced within both Prince Hall and mainstream (sometimes referred to as "Regular") Freemasonry.
Reverence for God
Service to Humanity
Devotion to Country
The Symbolic Lodge, also known as Blue Lodge, consists of the first three degrees of Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.
The Scottish Rite offers 29 additional degrees (4° - 32°) that provide a deeper exploration of Masonic philosophies taught in Blue Lodge. Additionally, each degree illuminates one or more of the Scottish Rite
Lodge of Perfection (4th - 14th)
Council of Princes of Jerusalem (15th - 16th)
Chapter of Rose Croix (17th - 18th)
Consistory (19th - 32nd)
The Scottish Rite Bodies and Auxiliaries Prince Hall Affiliation in the Orient of DC are under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Inc., since 1886, headquartered in Memphis, TN where Illustrious SGIG Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, presides.